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love life, love people, Love God.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Are lives are crazy, aren’t they? I mean, between the monotonous tasks of daily living, mixed with a hint of Gods surprises, we end up with one more day lived. For better or for worse. One of my buddy’s recently said, "I wish there where more hours in the day." I think that is the inner desire of our hearts at sometime or another. Yet, in the middle of each day, of each year, we grow. We grow for better or for worse. We can’t live life and still be the same. It forces us to move, react, and make decisions. Each day we do live is another day that we have impacted the world. Whether you sat at home watching your beautiful child today or went out and watched the people storm your establishment, we affect someone. We change the world through these lives we live. For better or worse.
My question is simply, what do you do to relax and focus on the leader and follower of your days? What do you do to relax in Gods presence, in the midst of the tornado we call life?

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